7m29d Yeah.. aku dah bisa berdiri sendiri lo |
Dua bulan keilangan mood menulis berakibat tumbuh suburnya rumput di blog ini dan akhirnya gw jadi skip update milestone Shaq waktu umur 8 bulan. Jadi untuk kali ini digabung aja ya mak. Milestone Shaq 8 -9 bulan.
Koko Shaquille mau bantuin Mimmy packing orderan Ikea |
Soooook atuh dimulai aja.
Kali ini panduan gw untuk melihat perkembangan Shaq dari Mayoclinic.
"Your baby might surprise you with how quickly he or she is picking up new skills. Infant development milestones for a 7- to 9-month-old include sitting, standing and laughing."
Jujur aja memang di usia menuju 9bulan ini perkembangannya pesat sekali. Banyak hal hal baru yang bisa dilakukan oleh bayi mungil ini. Even bodi ga berkembang pesat, naiknya cuma 200-300gram doang sebulan tapi Alhamdulillah Shaq lincah banget, cepat mengerti dan bisa diajak berkomunikasi.
What to Expect :
Advancing motor skills. By this age, most babies can roll over in both directions — even in their sleep. Some babies can sit on their own, while others need a little support. You might notice your baby beginning to scoot, rock back and forth, or even crawl across the room. Some babies this age can pull themselves to a standing position. Soon your baby might cruise along the edge of the couch or coffee table.
Mau ke mall ni om, pinjem kartu kredit pippy dulu |
Yes, berhasil naik tangga |
Improved hand-eye coordination. Most babies this age transfer objects from one hand to another or directly to their mouths. Pulling objects closer with a raking motion of the hands will give way to more refined movements, such as picking up objects with just the thumb and forefinger. This improving dexterity will help your baby handle a spoon and soft finger foods.
Wuih, itu cewe cakep banget!! |
Evolving communication. Your baby will communicate with you through sounds, gestures and facial expressions. You'll probably hear plenty of laughing and squealing. Your baby might even respond to his or her own name. Babies this age can distinguish emotions by tone of voice. They might repeat the sounds they hear — or give it their best shot. Your baby's babbling is likely to include chains of sounds, such as "ba-ba-ba." You might even pick out an occasional "mama" or "dada."
Naik Angkot di padang sama Mimmy |
Ake ganteng kan om? |
Ga mau mandi di kamar mandi, maunya mandi di ruang tamu omi |
kalo dikamar mandi mandinya berdiri :D |
Di Daycare juga gitu, biasanya mah doi hayo aja digendong siapapun, tapi udah beberapa minggu ini, maunya cuma digendong bunda Icha atau bunda Yuyun, kalo bunda yang lain mewek dah dia. Kalo gw dadahin pas mau pagi pagi berangkat dari daycare, dia juga mukanya sedih gitu. Aihh, anak mimmy udah gede. Akhirnya tiap pagi sebelum nyampe daycare gw sounding ke dia kalo mimmynya ini kerja nyari duit dulu, buat beli mainan en bajunya dia, buat masa depannya. Eh, berhasil lo, doi jadi anteng aja kalo ditinggal. Tapi tetep, yang gendong kudu bunca Icha atau bunda Yuyun.
Teething. If your baby still has a toothless grin, you can expect the first tooth — likely one of the middle teeth in the lower jaw (a lower central incisor) — to break through anytime. You might notice your baby drooling more than usual and chewing on just about anything. Offer a cool, wet washcloth or teething ring. If you haven't done so already, get in the habit of cleaning your baby's teeth and gums at least once a day. Use plain water and a soft cloth or baby toothbrush.
Blom numbuh. Giginya blom nongol euy. Nongolnya di 9m+, nanti dipostingan berikut gw bahas ya.. Jadi ini skip dulu, apanya yang mau digosok kalo giginya blom ada. wakkakakk. Tapi gw jarang sih ngasi teether ke dia. Kayanya gw harus beli sikat gigi bayi nih.
Sibuk ketawa ketawa nontonin Cocomong |
Timbang terakhir 9m itu 9kg. Panjang, ga tau karena jarang ngukur tapi udah lebih dari 70cm sih. Berharap doi bisa nyaingin bokapnya yang 178cm. heheheh.. Jangan nyaingin Mimmy ya Shaq.
Baby lucuk ini, sekarang tingkahnya aneh aneh, apalagi kalo nenen, posisinya bisa sambil nungguing, sambil nyamping, sambil tiduran, sambil tengkurep. Pokoknya gw ampe geleng geleng kepala deh. Ga tau apa enaknya gitu nenen sambil nungging. kwkwkwk..
Gaya bobo kaya supermen mau terbang, eh tapi itu nananya batman yak :) |
Efek kaga ngasi teether, besi trolley dimakan juga :D |
Evamat juga enak kok mih dimakan. |
Meski bengong, avocadonya ludesss.. Yeayy |
Dorong pi.. Dorong.. |
Awas, Koko shaquille mau ngebut |
Eh, ini kok jalan sendiri? |
kejar kejar kucing |
Aku mau naik mobil dulu ya, mau shopping |
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