Sunday, October 27, 2013

Shaq's Journal : 5 Months Old

Yuhuu.. hari ini tepat 5 bulan umurnya Shaq. gak kerasa waktu cepat banget berlalu.

Kalo dulu Shaq bayi yang hobinya mewek sekarang udah bisa diajakin maen, becanda, main kitik kitikan. Seru deh pokoknya.

Nah, daripada ngalor ngidul engga jelas, marilah kita bahas milestone-nya Shaq diusia 5 bulan ini. Agak susah nyari standard milestone buat 5 months baby, di baby center adanya loncat langsung ke 6 bulan. So, kali ini referensinya gw ambil dari sini trus gw paduin beberapa aspek dari sini. Eh even dari page sebuah brand diaper, gw sih ga disponsori apa apa ya, tapi berhubung artikelnya komplit gak ada salahnya dong gw pake sebagai referensi blog ini.

Okiee deh, kepanjangan mukadimahnya. Mari kita mulai saja.

Motor Skills, Feeding and Sleeping

"Your baby may be looking at you when you eat, watching intently as you place a fork or spoon into your own mouth and chew.  Try to avoid feeding them solids too early though; milk still needs to be their primary source of nutrition at this age and will meet all their nutritional needs."

Nah ini dia, Shaq selalu ngiler kalo ngeliat gw makan. Kadang ampe ngences. wakakaka.. Lucu deh ekspresinya. Siip, saya penganut aliran ASI Ekslusif kok, tetep sabar nunggu sampe Shaq 6 bulan baru dikenalin ama makanan.

"At 5 months your baby will be rolling easily so keeping them on their back during sleep will become impossible. But continue to always place them on their back for sleeping, Some 5-month-olds can start rolling over from their back to their tummy. Once your baby does roll over, you may notice him working his legs and rocking. He’s getting ready for crawling and scooting, which are just a couple of months away!"
udah muter 45 derajat aja. 
Alhamdulillah kalo yang ini udah dari umur 4 bulan. 4bulan1 hari tepatnya Shaq lancar guling guling. Kadang kalo ditaruh di tempat tidur posisinya udah berubah ga keruan, sampe2 kita kudu ngalah ama dia. Pernah kejadian gw ketiduran pas lagi ngASI en pada saat gw bangun, doi udah sampe dipinggiran tempat tidur. Tinggal satu kali balik lagi doi bakal terjun bebas ke lantai. Ngeri ga sih? Makanya gw jadi mikir untuk kasi matras aja di sekeliling bed. Serem bo kalo sempet doi jatuh.
udah bisa dong gulang guling
"Bottle fed babies at 5 months generally still need around 5 bottles/24 hours."
Kayanya lebih, soalnya sejak Shaq masuk daycare sehari bisa ngabisin 400-500 ASIP dan blom lagi tambahan dari gw waktu nen pagi, pulang, dan selama doi bobo. Jadi asumsi gw dia bisa habisin 700-800 mL per hari. Terakhir timbang pas vaksin rotavirus 3 hari lalu. Shaq udah 8,3kg.. Horeeee

Stok ASIP Shaq buat satu hari

"Most babies sleep through the night by five months, but not all. To encourage your baby to get into a regular nighttime sleep rhythm, establish a bedtime routine. Start with a warm bath, followed by a few minutes of gentle rocking with a song and story, and your baby’s eyes are sure to start drooping. During the daytime, your baby will still need two naps -- one in the morning and one after lunch. Try not to delay naps until your baby is already tired and cranky. Put your baby into the crib at the first signs of sleepiness. 

Alhamdulillah kalo yang ini udah dari umur seminggu Shaq bobonya teratur. Dia baby baik yang gak mau ngajakin emak babenya begadang. Dia ngerti kalo emak babenya kudu kerja siang hari, Jadinya kalo urusan tidur dia gw kasi nilai 100. Tapiii.. dia tak akan tidur jika bukan di kamar dengan lampu redup dan AC menyala. Satu komponen aja kurang, doi bakal terus melek sampe merengek. Satu satunya cara lain yang bisa menidurkan dia jika lagi ga dirumah adalah diajakin naik motor. Gw wrap dia pake bobita then dia bobo deh dipelukan gw. Kalo pagi abis mimi' biasanya doi ngantuk, siang juga tidur lagi. So far siang hari dia bisa tidur 3x tapi frekuenasinya ga lama. Cuman 10 menit, eh udah bangun aja. 

Start bobo abis maghrib, bangun jam 4 pagi. posisi favoritnya "tengkurep"


"Five month old babies tend to be happy babies. They are often cuddly, easier to hold because they can support their own head and respond readily to stimulation. You’ll feel as if you’re getting something back this month as your baby learns just how to capture yours and everyone else’s attention within a short radius. They really are “sensory traps” and it is likely you’ll find yourself fascinated by their little ways and mannerisms. Your 5-month-old’s vision is continuing to improve. At this point, babies still don’t have 20/20 vision, but they can see well at different distances and their eyes can focus together without crossing. At five months, your baby’s color perception has sharpened to the point where he can tell the difference between two shades of the same color. But babies at this age still prefer primary colors such as red, blue, and yellow."
Yup, seperti yang sebelumnya gw bilang, Shaq tiap hari ketawa. Bangun tidur sekarang gak mau merengek rengek lagi, langsung kasih senyum yang paling manis. Udah gampang banget digendong, gw gendongnya bisa pake sebelah tangan aja secara doi pasti pegangan ke bahu gw. ga perlu ditahan lagi punggungnya. Tapi ngga nahan kalo agak lama, tangan jadi letoy. Berat Boo.. Kadang senderan ke bahu gw. Duuh, manja banget deh. Udah bisa digodain dari jarak jauh juga, dia udah bisa ngenalin orang dari jauh.  :)

Senyumnya itu loo,, menggoda iman

Tiada hari tanpa ketawa

Ketawa lagi :D
Gak kuku deh liat cute nya.. 

"At 5 months they can also become very cranky when they are tired, bored, unhappy or just don’t know what they want. Your baby’s temperament will be obvious by now. They could be calm and placid, easy to “read” and care for or, they could be more sensitive and need frequent reassurance from you to help regulate their emotions. "

Satu hal yang bener bener bikin kita bingung ngadepinnya adalah, Shaq bener bener bayi yang bosenan. Jadi dia gak suka tuh kalo dibiarin sendiri, kalo diajakin maenan yang sama dalam waktu agak lama. Bosen. Kemarin ituh gw bawa ke spa baby, massage cuma tahan 10 menit, abis itu merengek, renang cuma mau 5 menit merengek lagi.. Hadeeh.. rugi lah emaknya ini ngabisin duit sekian ratus ribu buat bayar spa, anaknya malah ogah.. Jiaaaa.... nanti gw posting terpisah kisah Shaq di spa.

Developmental Milestones

"This is a very vocal time, with lots of squeals and gurgles, coos and laughs. Many 5 month old babies are at their most delightful first thing in the morning, after they have been fed and are feeling especially bright after sleeping. Try to make the most of these times and ignore the myriad of tasks which you could be concentrating on. Lying on the bed and just talking and playing with your baby is a lovely thing to do. They will be smiling readily at you now and will look for your responses. When they hear your voice they will turn and look for you, focus on your eyes and smile in recognition. " 
Saat saat bahagia itu adalah saat bangun tidur. Shaq moodnya masih bagus banget jadi ketawa terus. Sering banget gw becandain kalo abis bangun en senyum sumringah ampe ketawa gelinya kedengeran. Tapi satu hal yang ga berubah, tiap bangun pagi abis becanda becanda langsung merengek mita dijakain jalan keluar, Jadilah pippynya tiap pagi keliling komplek ngajakin dia jalan.. hehehehhe


"Your baby will be getting longer with every week which passes. Their early newborn, curled up appearance has well and truly passed and they may seem to be all limbs at 5 months. Ask your early childhood nurse how your baby is tracking on their percentile charts. Head circumference, length and weight are all parameters of growth and each is equally as important as the other."

Status terakhir :

Berat Badan : 8,3kg berada di wilayah percentile 81,4% terhadap umur. Artinya, dari 100 bayi, 81,4%nya beratnya dibawah 8,3kg ketika usia 5bulan.
Panjang : 65 cm berada di skala 32,6 percentile
Lingkar kepala : 41 cm berada di angka 9.5 percentile. 

So, normal ajalah ya.. hehe.. Hasil  diatas didapat setelah datanya gw plot di softwarenya Anthro WHO. 

Keeping Well

"Your baby will be between immunisations this month but if you have overlooked their 4 month vaccinations, make an appointment for them now. Making the time, marking it on the calendar and prioritising this is important. Try our handy immunisation chart to make sure you don’t miss any.
Try not to be too fanatical about cleanliness when it comes to your home environment. There is lots of research which supports the view that a little dirt in our homes is a good thing because it helps to prime our immune systems. Adopting a relaxed attitude when it comes to hygiene can be a challenge for many parents, particularly mothers. Sensible precautions go a long way towards helping adults to stay healthy. Don’t overlook your own vaccinations either, especially your own cover for whooping cough."

Alhamdulillah imunisasi dasar Shaq lengkap. Vaksin tambahan baru rotavirus aja, Kemarin itu pake rotateq. PCV sama HiB belom, gw lagi bangkrut. Hehe.. Kenapa Rotavirus didahulukan? Secara vaksin ini gak bisa di kejar kalo udah lewat umur. Dan tingkat kasus diare pada bayi di Indonesia lumayan tinggi.

Gw sih ga fanatik fanatik banget soal kebersihan. Buktinya gw malah sengaja ngga nge cor teras depan sampe habis berharap anak gw nanti bisa main tanah di dalam rumah, bisa main kemah kemahan, pasang kolam renang portable en berenang bareng. Kadang iya juga sih, terlalu bersih malah bikin anak anak ga resisten terhadap bibit penyakit. Gak biasa bertempur sih imunnya. Hahaha..

Communication, Play and Interaction

"Try not to get too caught up in the commercial traps of buying the “best” or most “educational” toy for your little one. You and your partner, their siblings and other loving people will keep them entertained for hours. A few brightly coloured, safe toys which can be chewed and sucked on are always popular. You’ll find your baby gravitates towards their favourites"

Dari semua mainan yang gw beliin buat Shaq, mobil remote control hadiah dari opinya lah yang jadi favorit. Kalo mainin mobil ini bisa tenang banget dia. Hahahha.. Mainan kedua adalah soft book teether yang gw beliin sebulan lalu. Doi suka gigit gigit sama liat karakter di bukunya. Trus mainan lain? dilepeh.. ahahahhahaha.. dia ga suka mainan,, dia sukanya ngumpul ama anak anak, ngeliatin anak anak lari2an trus kakinya ikut goyang goyang. Berasa dia yang diajakin lari kali yah. 

sibuk mainan mobil remote control samapippy

Nasib teether book jadi begini

Suka banget ngeliatin anak anak kecil main
"Your baby should be babbling away by now, and those babbles might even be starting to sound like real words. Five-month-olds can begin to put consonant and vowel sounds together (such as ''ba-ba''). If you hear a ''ma-ma'' or ''da-da'' in the mix, don’t get too excited. Babies at this age haven’t yet assigned meaning to words. Wait another couple of months and those ''ma-mas'' and ''da-das'' will be directed at you.

Yeaaaa... bubblingnya semakin merajalela sekarang. gw ada rekamannya sih. Nanti kalo udah gw uplut ke youtube gw link kesini. 

Tips for Your Baby’s Fifth Month

  • Babies love music. Play all kinds of songs for your 5-month-old, from classical to jazz to pop. Your baby will clap, smile, and maybe even babble along.
  • Give your baby simple, colorful toys like a soft block or rattle to play with. When you hand over each item, name it (''This is a block,'' ''That’s a rattle'') to help teach your baby new words. 
  • Consider removing the mobile hanging over your baby’s crib. Once babies can push up onto their hands and knees, they can get caught up in the mobile’s hanging cords. 
  • If you haven’t baby-proofed your house by now, make sure you do it soon. Cover all electrical outlets, place household cleaners and other hazardous materials in locked cabinets, and put away all choking hazards. Also be very careful about not leaving steaming mugs of coffee or curling irons on countertops where your baby might pull them down.

Sekarang kerjaan gw nyariin lagu anak anak. Karena dia happy banget kalo gw nyanyi. Gw apalin dah tu lagu lagu semuanya. Hahaha.. Kadang kalo gw lupa, ya udah acakadul ajalah liriknya. Yang penting ketemu aja ama nadanya. 

ini ngapain ya?? ahhah,, nanti g posting terpisah tentang ini yaa

Anyway, gw lagi ribet ama peralatan tempur MPASI. Bingung mikirinnya. Gak terasa bayik lucuk ini udah makin gede aja.. Huhuh.. Mimmy and Pippy love you Shaq...... cipokbasah dah.. Muuuaaach!!



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